Thursday, June 25, 2020

TCB - Mama business ;)

Mothering is hard and constant work. 
It's so easy to get caught up in your day and stop taking care of yourself or "forget to eat." That is one complaint I hear alot. When you stop caring for yourself, your ability to properly care for your children is impaired. Your ability to enjoy life slowly starts to dwindle. So let's not go there!
My Best Advice: Take Care of Yourself

It's something many women work hard to do throughout their pregnancy but stop once they hear that first baby cry. Why is that?  
Are we too consumed by that bundle of love to remember that it originates from US?  We are strong, amazing creatures who deserve to make sure we continue to create things just as amazing as that precious little baby we made!  We forget how awesome our bodies and minds are!  Our bodies are our opportunity to thrive.  Our minds are to be protected!
So, what is my best advice for new moms
Take care of yourself. 
That's it.

When you're pregnant, it's easy to see why this one idea is so important. 

The little miracle growing inside you is directly affected by what you eat, drink and do. 
  • If you smoke, the baby gets exposed and doesn't grow as it should.
  • If you are overly stressed or depressed, your body's hormones cause tremendous negative effects on your baby.  
  • If you eat badly all the time, the baby is at risk for poor growth, gestational diabetes, or you're at risk for additional weight gain.  
  • And we all know the risks of drinking while pregnant. Don't do it!
A mom who doesn't smoke, eats healthy, gets exercise, maintains close relationships with those who can help her when she realizes she needs it, already has a leg up on the process when her sweet baby comes earthside.  She is far more equipped to be the best mother she can be than one who doesn't do those things.

Another great reason to keep taking care of yourself, even on the days you don't "feel" like it: 

Your children are watching you!

If I never drink water, how could I ask them to drink it? If I eat crap junk food all day and never serve them healthy meals, how can I expect them to grow into adults who will do any different?  If I never exercise, how can I tell them it's important in order to be healthy? If I party and drink and smoke all the time, how can I ask them to not do the same?  Basically, it's as simple as living the kind of healthy life you'd like to see them imitate. 
So, I figure out how to find time to exercise even when I don't feel like I have time.  I make sure to increase my water intake. I choose a healthier meal over the sugar laden one I'm really craving. I don't smoke or drink.  I want them to take care of themselves.  Just like mama does :)


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