Friday, May 1, 2020

Freedom - Obviously

Preventable sickness? 

Well, let me just burst that bubble for you. 

WE, AS A SOCIETY, DO NOT CARE about preventable diseases and sickness.

Need confirmation? Just look at our #obesity and #heart disease rates.

Fast food is still causing heart disease. We are free to choose to eat it. #Sugar causes and continues cancer. We can still choose to eat it. #Salt raises BP, which causes strokes. We still have access to salt. Diet Coke with #Aspartame causes #cancer. Don’t care. #Sun causes skin cancer, oh well. The #cleaning products we use are #toxic? Oh but they smell so good! Lemme just spray that all over my house. Don’t even get me started on #alcohol and second hand #smoke💁🏼‍♀️

You get the point. We are free to choose our own demise. We are #FREE to choose what risks we are willing to take.

We do not care.

We also refuse to let the government tell us we can’t have whatever size coke we want at the fountain.

But this! Oh this is different!

People line up to get shot up with God knows what in a va((ine made by, surprise, the same type of FOR PROFIT company that sells us the same types of #poison in a different form?


BTW, before you say none of this effects other people, I beg to differ. Just take a look at our #CHILDHOOD #obesity rates. #Parents feed their kids the same crap they feed themselves and then wonder why little Johnny has problems.

So sit down and enjoy your Diet Coke, Karen, while you judge me for not wearing a mask and going outside.

I’ve had enough. 


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