Thursday, July 12, 2018

Make The Light Pour Through

Yesterday, I was laying on a float in clear water, the sun was beaming, and I was surrounded by my family in an absolutely beautiful setting. I thought, “This is amazing.” I was soaking up every bit of awesomeness in that moment.... and then it started to rain. Everyone scattered to the houseboat. Typically, I would have too.  Storms bring uncertainty and cloudiness.  They bring changes and cleansing.  It's much like this in life as well.
Everyone saw the rain as an unwelcome damper on our perfect afternoon, but for some reason I stayed put. I sat right there on that float in the middle of the lake and felt the cool rain fall on my sunburn. I looked out at the thousands of droplets across the surface of the water and smiled. Everyone shouted for me to come in, but I couldn’t. I had to take in that moment.  I was mesmerized by the openness of the sky, the sound of the rain, the feeling of the water and what peace it brings, and the quietness.  For me, this moment was the highlight of our vacation. The calm and peace in the midst of a storm. It was beautiful.

I'm a few days shy of turning 36 years old and I'm 19 weeks pregnant with our 3rd child. Surprise! This is a time in life where planning feels like it's been thrown out the window.   It's still summertime, so the kids don't really have a set schedule until school starts back. I'm feeling things I haven't felt in years and my emotions are sometimes all over the place.  I'm very much so looking forward to school starting back! Since I'm usually a planner, when times of disorder rule my life I tend to get stressed.  But this year, I feel as if it's different, somehow.

I don't know if it's come with age or what, but it seems as if the usual scattering and panicking when something unexpected happens, just hasn't happened. (Thankfully)
There has been a tremendous amount of change in our lives over the past couple of years and through those changes, I've definitely grown into someone who is able to not allow stresses to steal my peace.  Now don't get me wrong, I still have those moments of worry sometimes, but overall I feel more at peace than I ever have.  I've finally learned how to recognize a situation for what it is instead of what I have conjured up as what "could" happen from it.  I've learned how, no matter the circumstance, to not let it steal what I've worked so hard to build.  Maybe it's a more positive attitude? Maybe... it's finally realizing that I shouldn't sweat the small stuff. It's definitely more trusting in the Lord.
We can't control our circumstances or what happens to us sometimes.  Just like a rain storm, they come and go unexpectedly.  What we can control is our attitude and reaction to those circumstances.  We can learn to see the positivity and beauty in every situation.

"May you always be the one who notices the little things that make the light pour through, and may those things remind your that there's more to life, and there's more to you."


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