Thursday, April 5, 2018

We Make Plans...and God laughs.

If this last couple of years isn't an indication of how I have zero control over my life, I don't know what is.  From almost getting a divorce, to God saving me and my marriage, to changing schools for the kids, to making big plans to build a home and live in a camper, to landing in a huge house in the middle of town, to planning a reno thats now been redesigned, and now to even bigger changes within our businesses and family, I just can't even...  I mean seriously, we had all these plans and not a one turned out how we thought it would.  It has turned out SO much better.

I picture God just sitting up there just watching us.  Laughing.  Shaking his head at our vanity and our confidence that we've got it all figured out.  We act like we don't need Him.  We act like our worlds were completely and totally designed by us and are controlled by us.  Until things go wrong, of course, then we remember to run to Him with our complaints and requests.  It's sad.  I'm talking about myself here.  I really have got to be more intentional with my faith.  That's the thing I've always struggled with and I unfortunately go back to those old habits of doubt sometimes.  I've tried to retrain my brain to derail that negative train of thought over to Jesus every time I feel it coming.  Instead of doubt, remember to run to HIM.  Instead of worry, run to HIM. Instead of trying to figure it all out, put it in HIS hands and leave it there.

I was driving to an open house today and listening to Klove, as usual, and Hills and Valleys came on. My son sings this song to the top of his lungs so I always turn it up. I sang along and just out of nowhere started bawling.  It hit me hard.  The words of that song are exactly how we need to live out our lives daily!

"On the mountains, I will bow my life
To the One who set me there
In the valley, I will lift my eyes
To the One who sees me there

When I'm standing on the mountain
I didn't get there on my own
When I'm walking through the valley
I know I am not alone!"

YES!!  No matter what we're going through, if we just have FAITH that it is His plan.  He's got us covered.  

"For my thoughts are not Your thoughts, neither are Your ways my ways," declares the LORD. 
Isaiah 55:8
Thank God for that!

We can make all the plans in the world, but unless we listen to His direction and pray for His grace and faith to see it through, it's all for not.  In the valleys lift your eyes.  On top of the mountains, give him the glory. Know you didn't get anywhere on your own.  


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