Tuesday, March 20, 2018

In This World ~ Not Of This World

Do you ever feel like you just belong somewhere else?  Like this world wasn't made for you?  I have been feeling this much more frequently in the past few months.
The more I see in the news and social media, the less I want to know.  Negativity, gossip, lies, assumptions, manipulations, and flat out JUNK is what I see more than anything.  I'm so tired of not seeing people stand up for the light amidst all this darkness.  I'm in serious need of a change of scenery! Hopefully I can achieve this with our recent move, carving out more time for my Bible study, and getting more plugged in to a SS class and small group at our new church.
It's almost as if we, as Christians, are stuck somewhere between wanting to be aware, educated, experienced, prepared, and "in the know" vs. just following God and being "in this world, but not of this world." My primary focus of this point is my children, since I've been trusted to guide them while on this Earth.
On one hand, I feel as if I'd be doing my children and family a disservice to stick my head in the sand and pretend that these shootings, stabbings, bullying, and tragedies don't occur on a daily basis.  I want to prepare my kids to know how to deal with difficult and traumatic situations during their lives.  I do not want to shelter them and make them incapable of adapting to change, rolling with the punches, and earning some thick skin, because we all know they will need it in this world.
On the other hand, I would love to home school.  I want to protect them from all the darkness and trauma, shelter them from all the negativity, preserve their innocence as long as possible, and allow them to just be kids.  I'm struggling with the in-between.  How do you balance both sides of this without becoming an overly controlling helicopter parent?
Another concern of mine is that I want to become more Christ like.  I have been convicted of many of my sins and am trying to change many habits, attitudes, influences, and circumstances in my life.  But I was also made painfully aware today that there are some sins that I really don't see as "bad" as others.  The Bible tells us that a sin is a sin is a sin.  A murderer is seen no differently in the eyes of the Lord than a liar.  A glutton is no better than a rapist.  I have issues with this!  I know that all these types of sinners can be redeemed and saved by Jesus, but I don't know why I take such issue with some sins and not others.  In Mississippi, you will see more obese people than in any other state.  We have unfortunately won that title several years in a row.  Yet we live in the Bible Belt! There are more churches in the South than there are gas stations.  Many many people sit in the pews every week and preach about being better Christians, but looking at their lifestyles and habits tells a different story.
Why is it that someone who has tattoos is generally looked down upon, but someone who's overweight is not?  Why is it that someone who struggles with addiction is chastised, but someone who is an adulterer is accepted as unhappy in their marriage and it was time to move on?  Why can one person be accepted in church for divorce, but another is shunned because they drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes? I know that this is just a generalization, but in the majority of circles this is what I see. The whole purpose of becoming more Christlike is to rid yourself of all things that don't reflect His influence in your life. If conviction of sin is a daily occurrence, you can be sure that you're on the right track. Some are convicted of their addiction to booze, but not to food.  These are things I wonder about!
Lastly, I'm the type of person that doesn't pass judgement on anyone based off of someone else's opinion of them, but I've seen an abundance of this lately. People take what they hear and what other people tell them as FACT.  For me, I have to have a personal relationship with you in which you've repeatedly done something terrible to me that would ever make me question your morals. You'd have to show me this side of yourself IN PERSON, face to face, within our own relationship. This would be the only way for me to honestly be able to form a negative opinion.  There's no way I would ever believe what "so&so said" about you, just because they said it. I also seriously consider the source of things I hear before basing an opinion. Most "sources" are as messed up as what they're trying to gossip about.  People are so quick to take whatever someone says about someone else and absorb it as an uncontested truth instead of just doing a little research and actually having open communication.  That, also, is another reason why I do not feel of this world.
What ever happened to being honest? You don't like what you think your friend is doing? Call them out on it.  If you're in the process of creating boundaries and ridding your life of sin, good for you!  Your friends should respect that.  And if they don't, they were never your friends anyway.  There's a deeper side to all this than just being judgmental and scaring people away from the gospel.  If you're convicted, that means YOU are convicted, not all your friends. Not everyone shares your morals, values, or determination to change.  You'll lose friends quickly if you start trying to tell them how to live their lives.  This all comes back to being in the world and not of the world.
How do you balance this?  How do you remain approachable, friendly & non-judgmental but maintain your convictions all while not becoming a hermit?  Something to consider and start to practice regularly.


  1. Great reflection. We must remember that standing before our maker it is our hearts and deeds that will be judged. God isn’t judging us based on the sins of others.


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