Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Healthy Eating Tips

Eating healthy doesn't have to be rocket science or expensive.

Here are some tips to help you make healthier choices daily.

  • Start your day with a healthy breakfast. Research shows that people who eat breakfast tend to consume less calories throughout the day. Try a GOOD quality protein shake mixed with superfoods, or a quick egg omelet with veggies.
  • Plan your meals and snacks ahead of time. This will help you avoid unhealthy impulse decisions. This is super hard for me because I like to eat what I want and don't necessarily want to be tied to a plan, BUT it takes practice to get in this mode.  Just do it for a week and it'll become more like second nature once you create the habit.
  • Choose fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.  Stick to the outside edge of the grocery store, as the middle aisles are usually full of the boxed and fake foods.  Whole foods provide essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber that you need. When proteins you like go on sale at your grocery store, stock up your freezer!
  • Eat more often. Eating small meals throughout the day can help you feel fuller and prevent overeating.  This is my biggest piece of advice to everyone! It seems counter productive, but you're actually motivating your metabolism and eating more often will keep your body in burn mode.  Think unsalted nuts, fruit, small amounts of good quality cheese, veggies and hummus.
  • Drink lots of water. Staying hydrated helps keep your energy levels up, fuels your metabolism, and keeps you feeling full. Water is life.  Get used to it! I've had clients lose 10 lbs after changing nothing else but dropping all drinks except water.
  • Avoid processed foods. Processed foods are high in sodium, sugar, and chemicals that ARE harmful to your health. There is absolutely nothing healthy about fast food.  Stop it as much as possible and refer back to #2. When you have food within reach when you get hungry, it's much easier to avoid pulling through a drive thru just because it's convenient.
  • Limit sugary drinks.  A couple a week is not so bad, but sugary beverages are high in calories and lead to weight gain. Extra sugar is not needed and will not help you reach your goals. This is the fastest way to wreck your plan.  Keep a water bottle on hand at all times.
  • Get active! A regular exercise routine can help you stay fit and healthy. Even if it's just walking or yoga, move your body. You'll also sleep better if you've used up some stored energy and fatigued your muscles for the day.
  • Get enough sleep. Sleep is essential for your body to rest, recover, and repair. Create a haven of rest in your bedroom that's comfy, cool, and quiet.  Think of adding a noise machine or fan to avoid being disturbed by outside noises. Remove any distractions or paperwork.  Your bedroom should truly be a sanctuary of rest.  

With a little planning, you can make healthy eating and good rest a part of your daily routine.  

You can do it!


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