Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Patience is a virtue

Patience has never been one of my virtues, but I'm trying to learn it's benefits. Planning, anticipation, waiting.... it's exhausting. I'm more of a make it happen now kind of gal, so having to take steps and wait and delay what I want now has definitely been a learning experience. If you can relate to this, please keep reading. 
What I've learned from this is that the old saying, "enjoy the ride" is most definitely true. If you're so busy working towards something, always focused on the future goal, always worried about how to get there, you will forget to enjoy the NOW. What's the purpose of having goals at all if you can't enjoy your life in the present long enough to even get there. We as a society have been groomed to always look for the next best thing. We must always be one step ahead, keep up with the Joneses, have that new car, bigger house, more stuff to put in that bigger house. When I began learning about minimizing, it brought me so much peace! All these issues are tied together. Immediate gratification goes hand in hand with no patience and over abundance of stuff. Clutter in our minds and our houses contributes to our worry, stress, and lack of patience & satisfaction with what we already have. 
I no longer worry about the future. I no longer stress about goals or deadlines. Not to say I don't have goals, because I do. I have many accomplishments on my list to achieve before I die, but stressing about it is no longer an issue. Knowing God's got it all under control is constant reassurance. I know we'll be fine with work. I know our kids will excel at their new school. I KNOW we will be ok, no matter where we go. With prayer and faith, we will all benefit. 
I am so done with worry. Spending the better part of your adult life worrying will really change a person. I remember vividly how badly I would stress and have anxiety over just the thought of things not working out. I remember how much it hurt myself and my family. I never want to go back to that way of life again. Becoming a minimalist has truly helped me let go of those negative feelings as well. I've learned to be patient, enjoy the ride, and above all else, learn from the situation. 
When you have little eyes watching your every move, I think it helps with motivation and believing you're making the right choice. They see what I'm doing and listen when I explain why. Now they are even excited about downsizing and moving as well! They are actively participating in cleaning out their rooms, helping clean out the house, and making plans for their future as well. I love seeing their faces light up when they tell me what they want their new rooms to look like! Knowing that they also have no desire to fill them with junk they don't use is just a bonus! 
If you've been contemplating what to do to lower your stress, increase your patience, and learn something about yourself and your family, I strongly suggest trying the minimalist lifestyle. We never knew what we were missing, until we started intentionally making things go "missing" from our cluttered houses and minds. 


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