Thursday, March 30, 2017

She Will Run And Not Grow Weary

Today I did something that I never do.  I guess you could say that's been part of my growth pattern lately.  I do new things, just to see how they feel and if it suits me.  Today, I ran.  My usual catch phrase about running is, "If you see me running, you better help because someone's chasing me!" Never been a big fan.  I lift weights, take classes, teach Piyo, but never have I ever enjoyed any form of cardio.  But today.... was different. 

The breeze was cool enough to make it feel amazing outside.  It stormed last night so everything smells fresh and clean.  It was quiet.  Peaceful.  Definitely need more of that feeling! I left the house feeling especially optomistic.  Telling myself, "I'm still in shape.  NO problem.  I can do this." BUT, I really struggled during that first mile.  I mean really really struggled.  I couldn't catch my breath and kept having to stop.  Run, walk, run a little more, walk.  SPRINT! Yeah! No wait, that's probably not good since I never run.  Regardless, the longer I went, the better it felt.  My lungs opened up and I could finally breathe deeper.  I ran almost 2 miles, then walked home.  It felt amazing!  I could say this is a good comparison to my life. 

My life has been in transition for a while now.  I feel like most of it is just me figuring out who I really am and growing into the adult I should've been a long time ago. I take what I can from each situation and try to learn and grow from it.  Today, my time was no different.  Run, walk, run, walk, sprint, and then walk home.  As long as your priorities are in line, it doesn't matter how you get there.  Hell, most days I want to crawl home and hibernate from this world.  But today I CHOSE to notice the beautiful things, the misunderstood people, the blessings.  Despite the ups and downs, the changes of plans, the many reasons why I could've chosen to be anything but positive, I chose to not grow weary.  To appreciate the opportunities that lie ahead instead of worrying about the future. This is rare for a worrier like me.

We need to train ourselves to do this.  Just like exercise and muscle memory. The more we do something, the more it becomes a habit.  When those habits are healthy ones, it feels good at the time and on down the road.  What healthy habits are you contemplating today?  Not just physical. Could they be mental, emotional, spiritual?  All I can say is there's no better time to start.  Do something good for you. 
I might just run again tomorrow.

PS- I must give full credit for the inspiration to my friend, Rachel.  She's been walking around the neighborhood getting her exercise.  So, thanks Ray Ray!


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