Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Here We Go...

So.... I've thought about it extensively, just like I do everything else, and decided to jump in.  I love to write anyway.  It helps me to process thoughts and get ideas down on paper (albeit virtual paper these days) and decompress a little bit.  BLOGGING! I'd never have thought it would come down to this, but... here we are :)
The main goal in starting to write was to reach more people about things I'm passionate about.  I've always felt that in some way I could make a difference in this world.  I haven't quite figured out how that will be, but God's always got a plan.  I'm just along for the ride.  He led me here so I'm sure He's got a really good reason!
Anyway,  this first blog post I'll share a little about me.  I'm a hard working mother of 2 beautiful children.  I've been married to my handsome hubby for almost 11 years and we've been together close to 20.  Meeting at 14, I would say, has given us plenty of time to grow together and figure each other out.  We're still a work in progress, thank GOD!  We moved all around for a while until we landed back in our home state of Mississippi.  I love it here, but I second guess moving back all the time.  I've been a part of the fitness community in every state I've ever lived in.  That is no easy task in the "fattest state in America."  Working out and sharing health related goals, keeping people motivated, giving advice... that's always been my thing.  As with anything else, after a while, one starts to wonder the purpose or the WHY behind it all. 
I competed in a bikini competition 2 years ago and I think that's when it hit me.  WHY am I doing this?  WHY am I constantly keeping pressure on myself?  To who's benefit is all of this? In other words, I burnt out.  When you grow up in a gym with a fitness/bodybuilding oriented family your entire life, you could go either way as an adult.  I chose the lean/strict route my entire life. Well, maybe I veered some as a teenager, but who doesn't?  After the competition I fell off the "healthy" wagon.  I started eating more of whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted.  I drank more.  I neglected my responsibilities more.  It was almost freeing.  Almost.  Thank God for a over-active metabolism or my health would've been in serious trouble.  My marriage suffered and almost ended over the crazy circle I had created.  I had convinced myself that what I had always done wasn't good enough.  I need to be different, somehow.  I needed to do more for ME.  Ha! Who has that luxury these days anyway?
Then I realized... I was literally turning into my mother.  Selfish, unapologetic, narcissistic....well, we will save that post for another day.  Anyway, by the grace of God I saw the light.  I looked inside of myself instead of pointing the finger at my husband, my past, my circumstances, and changed.  HE literally changed me overnight.  I've always believed in miracles, but this one actually happened to ME!  God saved me from myself and saved my marriage in literally the blink of an eye.  His power to make things happen is SO amazing.  I still shake my head in disbelief some days.
So that brings us here.  They say once you've gone thru a life changing experience (miracle) you're never the same.  I can vouch for that.  I decided to pursue more important things in life.  First off, BALANCE.  Natural balance.  No more fake crap, un-needed stuff, overkill anything.  I began to value balance more than all else.  It's been a slow and steady effort, but I'm getting there.  And I decided to take you all along for the ride.  Thanks for listening.


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