Friday, September 13, 2019

What are you doing?

Yep, I messed up again.  I yelled at my kids because I was frustrated.  I ignored my husband because I was mad at him instead of offering him grace.  I was less than kind to that person who cut me off in traffic when I was having a bad day.  I have judged someone for what they look like.  I have jumped to conclusions and had my mind made up about a situation before trying to understand and offer love.

You know, I mess up A LOT.  I also see mess ups on the daily and I see those experiencing those mess ups on both sides not offering grace or understanding.  Lord, please help us in this broken world! We are all so stressed and short tempered!

Asking someone to not make any huge mistakes in life is like asking them not to be human.  We all make some wrong turns.  We all do things that we wish we hadn't.  No one is perfect and Lord knows I do not claim to be, but when can we stop crying out about our imperfectness and do something about it?  We should be growing and doing our best to become better partners, parents, friends, and people than we were the day before. We need to actually make the effort to change these hurtful patterns so they do not continue into the next generation.

What we should do and what we actually do seem to be so far apart lately.  We all need to work hard at actually DOING the right thing, the noble thing, the kind thing.  Keep your mouth shut when it's less than kind words that want to come out.  Pray for a person who wronged you instead of judging and retaliating.  Extend kindness to those who (you think) don't deserve it.  Go out of your way to help someone that has no benefit to you whatsoever. Show that you can walk the walk, not just talk the talk.

Easier said that done. Right? I am challenging you right now.

DO something good today.  DO something for someone else and don't tell anyone.  Smile and wave at the person who cut you off and mean it. Purposely do not engage in bad mouthing someone else. Take a deep breath and pray when you really want to yell.  Decide that the person who wronged you probably needs grace, so forgive them. It feels good and you will be blessed because of it.

I am so thankful for a God who forgives without limits, loves without conditions, and keeps pursuing me even when I'm less than worthy! I want to be more like Him.

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