Monday, August 12, 2019


People often look for happiness outside of themselves.  They do this not necessarily because they haven’t found it within, but because they never feel like they have or can be enough. 
Have you ever felt very settled and happy on the inside, but you feel like you just want more?  Some people search to be happy in other places, other people and other things. I've been blessed enough to find my happiness, so I want to share with you ways in which you cam find yours as well!

Happiness in You

Don't be so involved in others' lives that you spend a lot of time comparing. The easiest way to find happiness is to find it within yourself.  Comparison is the thief of joy and no one wants to feel as if their lives are falling short.  Make it a point to never measure yourself against another.  God is handling your life according to His plan and His timing.  Trust that!
If you aren’t happy with yourself, why? Figure that out and then get to work trying to improve that thought process.  At the end of the day, YOU have to decide to improve upon your outlook on life.  No one is going to do it for you and when you do it yourself, you'll feel so much positivity and growth from correcting this on your own. Prayer helps a ton!

Happiness in Love

Don’t make other people your happiness. To love someone is to give them the power to destroy you, and trust that they won’t. To befriend someone is to do the same. We put pieces of our happiness in the ones we love with the hopes that they won't blow it. That is not a foolish act, it is a human one. We desire feelings of belonging and comfort. We can’t escape disappointment and unhappiness when trust is destroyed. Love holds risks. It isn’t easy to trust and love again after your happiness has been taken away in the event of a failing relationship or friendship. But you know what?  That's life. Loving and trusting again is a serious and sometimes exhausting choice, but it must be made.  Learn from all experiences, decide what boundaries you will keep in place, and move on.

Happiness in the World

 Do you have a “happy place”. People often travel far and wide in search of these happy places. If you are trying to escape something bigger than just “desire for adventure” or “a new environment” then I won’t encourage you on that search for happiness. Remember: if you are troubled in your mind, it will follow you on your conquest to be happy somewhere else. You cannot escape the person that is doing all the thinking in your head. You must be at peace mentally before you travel the world on a journey to be happy.

New places bring a different type of peace. Home means something different to all of us so I guess that’s why people are always on the move. We just want to be somewhere comfortable and safe. And until you really find where that is, you should travel. 
Your happy place does not have to even be in another country or state. It can be your own room, your car, by that lake or river, in the arms of the person you love. Happiness doesn't have a geo-location. It's wherever you put it.
Be happy, about at least one thing today. Try doing that same thing everyday. Look around at all the blessings you have been given.  Help someone else and make their day better.  Take a hard look at your life and realize how good you really have it.  We all have it. We breathe it. It is choice. It is everywhere. It is you.

Nothing in life will complete you. You are already complete. The abundance of happiness is inside of you, from your head to below your feet.

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