Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Spring Cleaning

Along with all the other changes happening recently, I've also discovered some pretty cool articles and pages about minimalism and simplifying your life.  One of my favorites talks about being "unbusy."  This concept is totally new to me, so that's what made it that much more intriguing.

UNbusy.  Sounds good, right? But what does that mean, exactly?  Does it mean you quit your job(s) and sit on the couch all day? Absolutely not.  My definition of unbusy is that I consciously choose a slower pace. Slower yes, less productive, no.  I align my priorities to suit MY family and our choices, not revolving around someone else's timeline or dollar.  After all, my family is my number one priority, so why should they get stuck with the leftovers of me after stressful jobs and schedules have sucked the energy out each day?

I've spent the better part of my teenage & adult life cramming absolutely everything I could possibly fit into a day.  Trying to be more, accomplish more, be "successful."  There's nothing wrong with this concept, as long as it doesn't consume you. I've always had a great work ethic.  My dad taught me that.  The problem was that I let it consume me.  This is before balance and boundaries became important to me.  So let me share what I've learned.

UNbusy is awesome.  Setting attainable goals while keeping your own priorities in line is amazing.  Still having energy left at the end of the day to do whatever your family's little heart's desire is my new definition of successful. It really is a great feeling!

So what can you do to help yourself become unbusy? Really it's a series of things that must happen to enjoy this kind of lifestyle.  The timeline at which you complete these things is totally up to you and varies depending on the person.  No pressure, just conscious, deliberate actions each day towards your goal.  See.... accomplishments!

Instead of asking yourself, "Do I have time for this?"  Try asking yourself, "Is this a priority?"  This will help to align what is really important to you and your family's needs. 

Declutter and get rid of so much stuff in your home.  This is a big one!  I've been so on top of this lately! If I haven't worn it or used it or the kids haven't played with it recently, it's out of here.  Try to make decisions to keep only what you absolutely love in your house.  Donate it, sell it, consign it.  Just get it out of your way.  Society tells us that having the most stuff, the biggest house, the nicest cars are all evidence of "success." I beg to differ.  I've never felt more weighed down in my life than when we were drowning in debt because of our failure to recognize that our income didn't match our lifestyle.  Now, thanks to the Good Lord and some excellent guidance, we have made some beneficial business decisions that changed that.  Being able to breathe financially is a huge help in not feeling so weighed down. It also helps to grow up and mature a little and decide that you really just don't "need" all those things that you thought you needed for so long.

Most importantly, find your joy.  Whatever it takes, find what really really makes your soul happy.  What is that one thing that you cannot go a day without? What is the one thing you want in your life every single day?  Whatever that is, do whatever it takes to place that thing front and center of your priority list each day. Second to God, of course.  It's still a work in progress for me to put my quiet time with God and my Bible as number one. Goals!
For me, my joy comes from my family.  My husband and kids are my whole world.  I want to stop wasting time with things that don't matter and spend my time showing them how important they are to me and to God.  Lord knows mine and my husband's childhoods could've been better.  We both want to use the knowledge we've acquired from our experiences to make sure our kids have a better life.  This alone is motivation to try harder, be more patient, learn more, and listen to our children.  He and I have been thru many stages of life and many hard times together, which has made us appreciate the good times even more.  When I look at my family, I have so much joy!  I am so proud!  Nothing else makes me feel as good as they do.  So naturally, they take precedence over other things. Our only legacy to this world is our children.  When I die, I can't take a job with me.  I can't take "success" in the workplace with me.  I can't take money with me.  But what I can leave behind is a couple of kids that know without a doubt that their mother loved them more than life itself.  They will know without question that I did everything in my power to show them the love of Jesus, to teach them the best I knew how, and that I loved their father unconditionally. 
This is the beginning of my natural, simple, unbusy journey.  I will share what I learn along the way and hopefully you find some value in it.  Let me know when you decide to start cleaning :)


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